Fast and accurate
Automatic Hungarian to English transcription
Get your audio and video file transcribed by world leading AI technologies. Guaranteed. 95% accuracy at just 0.25 USD/min (HUF 86.69 / min)
Trusted by best in the industry
Our 12000+ clients who appreciate us
Better Technology = Superior Quality Transcription
When we affirm that our AI-powered transcription tools stand unrivaled, we leave no room for doubt.
Our custom-built algorithms and world-class Automatic Speech Recognisition technologies harness the power of state-of-the-art language models like GPT-4 and BERT for contextual understanding, we transmute raw audio and video files into fully automated and meticulously accurate transcriptions.
But we don't stop there.
We further integrate Speaker Diarization and Punctuation Restoration capabilities into our solution. The outcome is an immaculately accurate transcription, segregated by speaker and formatted to the client's exact specifications.
We are not just a tech company; we are a key player shaping the future of AI-driven digital transcription.